Osasuna, based in Pamplona, is known as Los Rojillos or The Little Reds. It has spent much time in Spanish football, yo-yo-ing between the Segunda Division and La Liga. Founded in 1920, it has had a lot of success over the years and produced some fine footballing talent. One of their particularly high points was when they made the qualifying stage of the 2005 UEFA Cup. If you’ve never seen the team play, it’s worth noting that the name Osasuna means vigour or strength. They are a team that never leaves anything in the locker room and always puts their all into every game.
The team has strong rivalries with Real Madrid, Athletic Bilbao and Real Zaragoza. Among the top players that have worn Osasuna’s kit include Manuel Onwu, Darko Brasanac, Michael Robinson, and Roberto Santamaria Ciprian.
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